“Modern luxury” being the solution to “over-tourism” in Japan|「オーバーツーリズム」から日本を救う「モダン・ラグジュアリー」とは?

In a foreign country where the Japanese brand is highly valued, the inbound visitors of very high cultural quality can be the catalyst for building an ecosystem with Japan and the rest of the world that can generate economic benefits. As I always say, “turning one week in Japan into a whole year” is the key.

This is the first time I heard the term “modern luxury. I would like to use it in the future.

He says, “Modern luxury tourists, who are mostly from Europe and the United States, tend to stay in one place for a long period of time. Many of them are relatively young, in their 30s and 40s. They are more environmentally conscious than ‘classic luxury’ travelers, and many are heavily interested in Japanese culture. I think this demographic is a good match for Japanese tourism.”

Isn’t that outstanding? There are many hints for so-called “over-tourism” lurking in this area. With creativity and ingenuity, let’s steadily create bunch of eco-system across Japan!

日本ブランドが高く評価される外国において、インバウンド訪問客の中で とても文化的質が良く、いつも私が言う、”1週間の日本滞在を1年間にする”ことで経済効果を発生させられる、海外とのエコシステムを築くきっかけになる人たちですね。




(Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash)

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