A local castle x ingenuity = Japan’s best!|地方のお城 x 創意工夫 = 日本一!


小さなお城でも、きちんと 時代の変化を読んで先頭に立つ。まさに中小企業とグローバリズムという感じですね 。

しかし、思えば、戦国の世の中もそうだったと言います。地方の小さなお城だろうが、創意工夫ある 城主の下では、町が栄え民が潤ったもんです。 同じですよね。


Even a small, local castle can sense the changes of the times and take the lead. This is exactly what small and medium-sized enterprises and globalism are all about, isn’t it? Sure is.

But, thinking back, it was the same in the Warring States period in Japan. Even if it was a small castle in a rural area, the town flourished and the people were enriched under a castle lord who was creative and ingenious. It is the same thing, isn’t it? All about leadership.

Let’s not rely on a prefecture government, local capitals or the national or central government, which are large in size but so slow when it comes to new initiatives. Rather, let’s develop our own capabilities in locality without forgetting global trends! I believe that the “era of the provinces” is really just beginning.

(Photo by Su San Lee on Unsplash)

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