AI erases “new hire jobs”…where do I go?|AIが「新入社員ジョブ」を消す…どこに行けばいいの?



では、エントリーレベル ジョブの需要が消えたのかと言うと、もちろん存在はしています。ただ、この専門家が指摘するように、「We are not seeing a reduction in the need for entry-level work, but the roles are changing and that’s really important.」なのです。「エントリーレベル」の仕事内容が完全に変わってしまう。これも講演で指摘した通りですよね。

要するに、新入社員だからと言って、伝統的なエントリーレベルをさせるつもりのない企業が急増しているんです。乱暴に言えば、新入社員にいきなり「イノベーションを起こせ」と、厳しすぎ要求を突きつける企業が、今後はどんどん増えます。同時に、X世代のおっさん・おばさんにも厳しくて、「Gen Z will ensure that everyone is tech savvy and that no one will consider a job not a tech job anymore. Every job is a tech job because of Gen Z.」という訳で、「AIは分かりません」では首が飛びます。どの世代も学び続けるしかない。


基礎的な、それこそ「エントリーレベル」の作業能力は、大学生の間に終わらせておいて下さいねという、まあ、アメリカ型の初期ジョブ市場になりつつあります。でも、同じように初任給は高くなるでしょうね。30万円ぐらいからのスタートでしょうか。どの企業も右に倣えで「18万円でエントリー ジョブをしてね」なんて悠長な感覚は、もう5年後には確実にない。いま大学生やそれより若いお子さんがいるご家庭は、是非とも今から、真剣に考え始めてくださいね。

It’s starting to happen just as I predicted in a series of lectures I gave in Shikoku about a year ago. The actual numbers are shown and going up. Figures from a major career consulting firm show a 7% drop in demand for entry-level college student internships. That’s happening in spite of the labor shortage.

There are probably many reasons for this, but one of the biggest ones is that “entry-level”, i.e., taking minutes, writing small research reports, basic communication and consultation tasks, etc… can now all be done with free AI applications.

So has the demand for entry-level jobs disappeared? No. As the expert points out, “We are not seeing a reduction in the need for entry-level work, but the roles are changing and that’s really important.” It is. The “entry-level” job description is completely changing. That’s also what I emphasized in my lectures a year ago.

In short, we’re seeing a surge in the number of companies that are not willing to let new hires do traditional entry-level work just because they’re new. To put it crudely, most companies suddenly demand on new employees to “innovate now” in the very near future. At the same time, “Gen Z will ensure that everyone is tech savvy and that no one will consider a job not a tech job anymore”. “I don’t understand AI” is a no way excuse. Every generation has to keep learning, right?

In other words, Gen Z youths will not be able to make a good career out of the lukewarm Japanese common sense that says they can play around in college and learn job things after joining a company, as was the case in the Showa and Heisei eras. And wise Gen Z are well aware of this.

The entry job market is becoming more like an American-style, where basic “entry-level” work skills are required to be completed while in college. But the starting salary in Japan will be high as well, starting at around 300,000 yen. In five years’ time, we will be certainly not seeing the leisurely trend that all companies in line will offer entry-level jobs at 180,000 yen. Families with college students or younger kids should start thinking seriously about this. NOW.

(Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash

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