Are Women Completely Absent in the IT Security Industry?|ITセキュリティ業界には女性は全くいない?




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Recent ransomware attacks, including the one that nearly crippled the Kadokawa Group and Niconico, have highlighted the escalating importance of IT security. The larger the corporation, the greater the negative impact, often leading to significant drops in stock prices. Yet, the industry faces a critical shortage of skilled personnel. One key reason for this shortage, some suggest, is the barriers the industry has set up against women.

In an interview with a leader striving to resolve this issue, the article points out: “The increased diversity that comes from employing women offers significant benefits. The current state of the security industry, which effectively excludes half of society—the women—is losing out on half the available talent.” This isn’t just about sexism. It’s about rationally understanding that we are squandering diverse talents. It’s a simple loss.

The tech sector, long perceived as a male-dominated, science-driven field, has particularly marginalized women. The cybersecurity field, seen as even more “technical” and “men-oriented”, is likely to feel even more out of reach for most women.

Breaking these barriers will likely require more prominent, inspiring role models like the ones featured in this article.

(Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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