Even in the IT industry, “You need no college degree”?|IT業界ですら「別に大卒でなくてもいい」?


This is an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal. The IT industry is one of the hottest professions in the world today, with the highest salaries, the best benefits, and the most popular job in the market! However…

“A college degree? No, we don’t need one.” may well be the trend in the future.

It is surprising to hear that even in the IT industry, there is a tendency for “No, I don’t need a college diploma.” What the h…? Wasn’t a college degree – preferably from a prestigious university – one of the essential job requirements in there? When did that change happen…?

Yeah, this is truly a time of tectonic change. We can sense from the job market that the era of disruptive innovation, centered on the world’s developed countries, is now in full swing. The question is not, “Where did you go?” but rather, “What can you do and how can you do it?”

What is the purpose of going to college? What will I gain by going to college? What is the purpose of studying? What problems will arise if I don’t go? As a university professor myself, I welcome the opportunity for high school students and adults alike to rethink the meaning of university study, which have not been thought much until now.

ウォールストリートジャーナル からの記事です。いま最も社会的に花形で、給与水準も高く、福利厚生もしっかりしていてモテまくる、ホットな職業としてのIT業界!…においてすら、





(Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

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