Malaysia to become an economically advanced country by 2030|2030年に経済先進国になるマレーシア

2030年には、マレーシアが経済で先進国に入るでしょうという、ぼちぼち 手堅い予測です。



It is a rather solid prediction that by 2030, Malaysia will be one of the most advanced economies in Asia.

Especially now, around in Penang, which is the northwest to KL, chip factories around AI are being built and attracting huge investment from all over the world, so much so that it is kind of being called the Silicon Valley of Asia. This is due to Malaysia’s exquisite position in the region, while every price everywhere is too high for foreigners to gain anything from doing the same in Singapore, and other ASEAN countries do not yet seem to be able to keep up with higher education standards and English environment of Malaysia….

However, the income in this country is already too high, and the wages are too high to build car factories, etc., so the foreign powers have been fleeing to Thailand and Vietnam. However, when it comes to advanced chip factories that respond to the rise of AI, Malaysia is still in a strategic position because it requires a little more human resource of a certain scale, and wages can be paid at a higher level by the employers.

(Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash)

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